Sunday, May 15, 2011

Chilling on a Sunday Afternoon.

Ah the peace and quiet has returned basically because my Brother in law his Girlfriend and her two exceedingly loud and annoying kids found a place and moved out, peace reigns supreme now in the house no more Father in law vs Brother in law arguements about the damn cats in the house, no more two annoying brats screeching about wanting to go outside and having a temper tantrum in front of the door after being told no(thats the 2 year old) No more 30 minute battle over cleaning himself off after shitting or pissing his pants (thats the 5 year old). I do not claim that my kids were or for that matter are perfect but I never had those problems with them both of mine were out of diapers by age 2. I do not try to give parenting advice as I do not find that feasible and most would resent it anyway, I wish my dumbass Brother in law would figure this out and stop offering his especially as his example is a 23 year old who lays around and does nothing orthe two mentioned above.
I am not a perfect parent or a perfect person for that matter hell who is any takers to that? As far as I know the only perfect person who lived on this planet was crucified by the Romans at Golgatha, what I find humorous is someone with a 9th grade education who acts like a 2 year old half the time trying to give me advice on how I do things and how to live my life. People who act as if they have done everything that you can mention and appearently better than anyone else are inheirently annoying to begin with, when you know they are lying their ass off as they say something than they are not only annoying they then also become dumbass liars as well. I deal with him everyday sort of , as when I come walking up on one of his screaming rants he shuts up and walks away smart on his part perhaps the only smart thing that he does. As I said peace and quiet and peace of mind have returned and thank you god for that.

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