Tuesday, April 30, 2013
A few things to address today
I guess it has been awhile since I have posted on here not really sure as to why just been busy with the daily task of living and supporting my family I would guess, first off to all the dumbass conspiracy theory people who are claiming that the bombs in Boston Massachusettes were some "False Flag" operation initiated by the Government to get a practice run at Martial Law. Stop already enough is enough those making these claims are obviously entranced by the paranoid fear mongerers in the population today and ned to stop and think for themselves, is not the fear mongering from the Government itself enough? Navy Seals planted the bombs REALLY? 1. If the bombs had been made by any Navy Seals or other Special Operations Forces within the U.S. Military they would have been 3 times more powerful and the death toll would be a lot larger than 3, not to mention all of the bombs would have detonated. 2. What exactly do you see the Government gaining from something like that? I will tell you what is gained absolutely nothing all they would accomplish is the start of a new American Revolution doing so there would be fitting though considering it was the birthplace of the original American Revolution. 3> If this act had been done by Seals or other Special Operators they would not all be dressed identically, nor would any security camera footage been available as they would have been disabled shortly before the actual operation kicked in. So stop with the paranoid delusions and leave the fear mongering to the Government if you want to accomplish something stop voting for the same dumbass people every time an election comes around out with the old in with the new.
Now to what I have actually came to write about today the above was not really it, I very recently finished reading President Barack Obama's book and no I do not mean his FICTIONAL BIOGRAPHY "Dreams from my Father" I have no grand desire to read that particular piece of trash. I am referring to his other book titled "The Audacity of Hope Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream.", first off I was not aware that the American Dream had been lost so as to need reclaiming and secondly after reading the book I figured out that it never actually gets around to thoughts of Reclaiming the American Dream at all. After reading this and no I did not waste any money to buy it my Wife found it in the "FREE BOOK BIN" where she works and asked me if I wanted it I think she was ready to take my temperature when I told her yes. I will now share with you some of the more entertaining and often contradictory quotes I found in these pages, had this book came out before he was elected to the Presidency I do not think he would ever have been elected. For instance in the first chapter titled Republicans and Democrats he rails against and demonizes all Republicans for there evil campaigning methoods being on the attack and smearing there opponents with every possible media outlet for anything they can dig up on them, what exactly was it he was doing throught the Democratic primaries in 08 and the General election afterwards? Perhaps those exact same things that he lashes out at the Republican party for doing? It would seem that these tactics are abominable unless of course he is using them, appearently these tactics are fine and justified than.
Next chapter is on VALUES hmmm that made me cringe a little as I started to read it what follows is a direct quote from the book it is rather interesting in some ways "I would often challenge neighborhood leaders by asking them where they put their time, energy, and money.Those are the true tests of what we value,I'd tell them,regardless of what we like to tell ourselves.If we aren't willing to pay a price for our values, if we aren't willing to make some sacrifices in order to realize them, then we should ask ourselves whether we truly believe in them at all.By these standards at least, it sometimes appears that Americans today value nothing so much as being rich,thin,young,famous,safe, and entertained. We say we value the legacy we leave the next generation and then saddle that generation with mountains of debt. We say we believe in equal opportunity but then stand idle while millions of American children languish in poverty. We insist that we value Family, but than structure our economy and organize our lives so as to ensure that our families get less and less of our time." I find that quote from page 83 a little tarnished by the fact that the mountain of debt he reffered to under his tutalage has gone from the Rocky Mountains to the friggin alps in comparrison, also I can deduce that he believes most people to be as vain as he himself is what with the thin famous and entertained crap which by the way he exemplifies those so called values quite well. As for sacrificing in order to realize them well he has sacrificed alright he has sacrificed the Middle Class Working people of the country so that they now languish in near poverty so that he could realize his values.Though there are many things worthy of commenting on in ensuing chapters to save some time and typing I will jump to chapter 7 perhaps the most controversial and convoluted chapter in the entire book, the chapter is titled "Race" after reading it I think he would have been more accurate to title this chapter "Racist" as after reading this particular chapter twice I realized just how much of a racist the man really is.
It starts out speaking of attending the funeral of Rosa Parks which is fine she was at least to my thinking the woman who really started the movement that Martin Luther King took up for Civil Rights in this country, I think that she even more so than Dr. King led to the Civil Rights act of 1964 though that act was a step forward in many respects I do not think it accomplished as much as it should have and indeed needed to. At the 2004 Democratic Convention during his keynmote address he said "There is not a Black America and White America and Latino America and Asian America there is The United States of America he mentions this on page 273-274 and says people often bring that quote up to him when they meet him. He says to people this quote brings to mind for them an America finally freed from the past of Jim Crow and Slavery, Japenese internment camps, and Mexican braceros, work place tensions and Cultural conflict an America that fulfills Dr. King's promise that we be judged not by the color of our skin but by the content of our character. One the Jim Crow laws and Japanese internment camps were both enacted by the Democrats and Two I really do not think he will want people judging him by the content of his character after he leaves office. In all I think people should read chapter 7 of this book quite closely to understand the man who wrote it, amonst other things without actually coming right out and saying it he blames White People for the Black on Black crime in inner city neighborhoods, simply because according to him White people got scared and moved out of these neighborhoods so the Police than stopped patrolling them. He also alludes and says directly several times things involving Black churches as compared to White churhes, though I am no expert on religion that seems to be one area that is color blind. As a matter of fact I can recall from personal experience while in the Navy and in our Home Port of Charleston,S.C. I had to go to the ship on a sunday morning for Damage Control training and my annoying car decided that was a fine morning to not start, being a fairly long walk some 3 miles i stopped and sat on the steps of a Baptist Church to rest for a few minutes and was quite amazed at the sounds of revelry that came from within. While I was sitting a man I would guess he was around the same age as I was peeked out the door and saw me sitting and came down the steps to see if I was alright, I told him what was going on and said I would be fine just resting a moment and a little thirsty. He took me in with him to rest in the air conditioning and got me a glass of water and I sat and observed for a while and I would say that was the friendliest and most exuberant Church service I have ever seen, people of all races were there singing and praying and praising god above and the joy they exuded was startling and very catching if I wouldn't have had to be at the ship i would've stayed for the rest of the service. But enough rambling on at one point he says he is for "Banning all guns in the inner cities" and he also says that when a gang member opens fire into a crowd of people because he thinks that somebody in that crowd disrespected him that is not a crime problem it is a morality problem. Really some kid commiting a random act of violence for some perceived slight is not a crime it is a problem with morality? If he truly believes that than it would seem he has a problem with MORONITY because a crime is a crime regardless of the reasoning or perceived reasoning behind it. He also talks at length about several welfare programs and such created during the "NEW DEAL" era as being directly responsible for the current trends of more African Americans living in poverty than Whites. lets see though he praises the New Deal earlier in the book it is suddenly a bad thing? As for the New Deal programs being responsible for so many African Americans living in poverty I submit that this has far more to do with an exceedingly high unemployment rate amongst both African Americans and Latino's and that is a real shame because at one time in the not to distant past the unemployment rate amongst Whites was Higher than it was amongst African Americans or Latino's. A large portion of chapter 7 he spends blaming the White Man for all the worlds problems I am actually surprised he did not blame White people for the biblical plauges as well, oh also pay close attention to the chapter on faith and religion you will find some surprising and contradictory statements from that chapter than into chapter 7 as well.One of those things that comes directly to mind is the Sermon on the Mountain which he reviles in one chapter and yet in chapter 7 is far more willing to believe the sermon on the mount than some other obscure statement from a different book? It seems that even as a Senator he wanted the best of both worlds as long as it suited his personal needs, and even then demonstrated the ability to vilify something at one point and praise it later without even skipping a beat in the process. I have to be getting ready for work now but will make sure and check in later until my next post "Have a great day and a better tomorrow, and remember always that Chance Favors the Prepared Mind.
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