Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Living with Inlaws SUCKS

Due to the great economic downturn of the last few years we lost our store our house and pretty much everything else including our collective sanity, however we were able to move in to my Father in Laws house which was fine at first. However since that time my brother in law and his girlfriend and her two kids as well as my wifes neice from Kansas have all moved in as well, if you ever want to be stressed out and place undue stress on your relationship with the in laws live with them. My brother in law acts as if it's his house and like everyone should bend over backwards to kiss him and hiss girlfriends asses, they are not special or better than anyone else here hell at least I have a job which is more than I can say for him. He is all the time screaming and hollering at my kids and tries sticking his nose in my business when I am dealing with them which about led to blows a few days ago so he backed off from that situation, thing is as soon as possible like right after the school year ends my wife and kids and I are moving to texas.

1 comment:

  1. Texas is ugly... you should move to Oregon. It's super cheap to live here.... Shouldn't be a problem finding you a job since you're a vet too.
