Thursday, December 1, 2011
What has happened to this COUNTRY?
There was a time not so far removed where AMERICA was the land of opportunity, the place where everyone wanted to be immigrants were coming from everywhhere to live the American Dream. Well that dream has in the past decade and a half become a fucking NIGHTMARE no more streets lined with gold no more great opportunities this country has began a decline towards SOCIALISM and third world status, why because we as a people keep putting one dumbass career politician after another into office so they can bend the people over and ream them for four years without using lubricant and without the courtesy of a reach around. It is time that the Washington D.C. elite woke up to reality and took some real and effective action towards solving this countries problems or step aside and let someone else try, remeber back in the late 1700's a little thing called THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION? anyone remember the root causes? One of the causes was taxation without representation how much representation do we have nowadays because the taxation is sure as hell there and continually growing that is unless you are the 1% filthy rotten dirty stinking rich that do not pay your fair share of taxes that is passed down to us commoners. Maybe it is time to try something different maybe it is time to elect a common man and put them in the WHITE HOUSE could'nt possibly do any worse than the ASSCLOWNS who have been there in the last 30 years or so, the economy is a broken sickly thing that can be and needs to be fixed unemployment continues to climb fucking sad I say. If the mega rich were made to pay there fair share of taxes that money could be used to create jobs by putting people back to work to fix AMERICA'S crumbling infrastructure, all the bridges and roads crumbling away need to be fixed before more damage occurs and that would help to solve two problems doing that. The immense National debt Legalize marijuana and sell it like cigarettes including the taxes on said product, those taxes could be used to reduce the national debt and that would also take strides to saving and strenghtening the American Farm also something that is suffering a slow and terrible death in these times. Foreign policy FUCK the rest of the world let them solve there own problems bring all us troops home where they should be and work together to solve this contries problems, the war on terror can not be won the way it is being fought kill one and thirty more step up waste of time and financial resources that this country does'nt have to begin with. Maybe I am wrong maybe I am right who's to say only time will tell on this issue one thing is certain though, if the current trends continue as I am sure they will we as a country will be featured on info mercials for feeding the starving and underprivileged I hope it is'nt staring Sally Struthers she is annoying as hell.
Current events,
political opinion,
random thoughts
Sunday, November 13, 2011
That was the most sterling moment I can recall.
Before Penn State and Nebraska took the field on saturday, before a single play was made the players and coaches of both teams met at the 50 yard line joined hands and said a prayer. Nobody was forced into this it was a spontaneous event that was absolutely BEAUTIFUL and is very seldom seen in todays world, rivalry and competition set aside for the moment to join together in unity and solidarity. Incredible moment as it was I than read some of the absolutely rancid bullshit posts on and that just sickens me they should be removed for the ignorance they display, Penn State ass pounders really did any of the men who play for the team now or then commit these atrocities I dont think so. Everyone wants to blame the whole for the actions of the one and that's bullshit in the purest form, Jerry Sandusky is in jail where he should be and I am sure that his future will continue to involve bars on all his windows and doors which is how it should be. I am a father of two and in no way shape or form condone the actions of that sick son of a bitch to my thoughts he should be castrated and fed his nuts afterwards, however I am sure that the courts would disagree with that assesment at least as to the punishment anyway. Was Joe Paterno wrong in how he handled the situation I am not saying yes or no to that I personally think he should have reported the incident to the police when it was reported to him in all reality it should have been reported to the police by the man who actually witnessed the attack in fact he should've stopped it instead of walking away fucking pussy ass bitch. Joe Paterno once informed reported to those school officials above him who also did nothing which is bullshit as well, the one thing that everyone seems to overlook in all of this is that Joe Paterno is one of the greatest coaches that ever walked a sideline on a saturday afternoon. The winningest Coach in major college football history that says alot considering the company that puts him in greats such as Bob Devaney, Paul BEAR Bryant, Tom Osbourne and the list goes on. To my knowledge and I have watched college football for a lot of years I dont recall seeing Joe Paterno raging on the sideline and assulting his players like Woody Hayes in his Ohio State days, the man conducted himself with dignity something you dont see on the sidelines anymore. It is a shame that a great carreer has to end this way and on this tarnished note, I wish you well Coach Paterno and pray that the media vultures let you live out the rest of your life in peace, you were one of the best and your presence will be missed every saturday GOD BLESS YOU and your FAMILY.
have a great day and a better tomorrow"Chance Favors the Prepared Mind."
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Sometimes makes one wonder
I just was reading the story on the very recent and still continuing earthquakes in Oklahoma and had a thought occur to me, does it strike anyone else as odd that after the mag 5.6 quake and continuing after shocks they suddenly decide to test the National Emergency Alert System? Whats worse the test for the National System was basically an EPIC FAILURE as it did not function even close to the way it is supposed to, on that all I have to say is the system is maintained by FEMA and we all know how there track record looks. What strikes me as the strangest of all is they test this system after these quakes knowing full well how catastrophic a quake in this region can be, unlike the west coast where the ground is soft and absorbs the shocks here in this area the ground is very firm with a solid base of bedrock. This is why quakes of this magnitude are felt and cause damage hundreds of miles away, I have made previous posts about recent quakes in the New Madrid seismic zone and though I am not sure this is a proven fact I have read articles about activity on one fault triggering activity on other nearby faults. Given the close proximity of this recent mag 5.6 quake in Oklahoma to the always active New Madrid Zone that theory seems to have some merit to it suddenly, if a mag 5.6 quake does the amount of damage that was done recently what kind of damage would say a mag 7 quake do and how far reaching would the shockwaves be from that size of an event? Very few of the buildings in larger cities in this region are made to withstand Earthquakes it was'nt something they felt was needed in the design specs, even buildings in the cities in the New Madrid Zone are not earthquake ready and they should be given past history in that region. I look back at past events and wonder what if this 5.6 is a pre shock to something yet to come quakes in this region tend to come in waves and this could become a very bad thing. As usual I leave you to ponder these words and decide for yourself as for me to the people in the immediate vicinity of the epicenter I say via con dios
Have a great day and a better tomorrow"Chance Favors the Prepared Mind."
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Who are they trying to fool anyway?
Watched the news earlier now as I write this I am watching meet the press, they are all centering on Rick Perry and Mit Romney while Cain has taken a lead in the latest polls. Imagine that the C.E.O. of a pizza company is the leading republican candidate at present, meanwhile President Obamas cheif advisor says that the President identifies with the occupy movement that is spreading border to border and coast to coast, while at the same time police forces from border to border and coast to coast attack these protestors relentlessly. What happened to the constitutional right to protest did that suddenly go by the wayside, or has that been replaced with a new amendment that says you can protest as long as it does'nt go against current government policies? Than you have these idiots saying why cant we have a president who is more like Steve Jobs, have any of these people really looked at the mans point of view? Was he a genious? Possibly thats somewhat debateable, point of view kind of thing however what he was was an arrogant self centered jackass and he himself admitted that. So yes by all means lets get a president like Steve Jobs as if the world isnt screwed up enough already. I am sure some who read this will make less than pleasant comments as is their god given right or at least constitutional right for now, that seems to alter daily anymore. I dont know maybe the police will come break down my door and mace me for stating my opinion, thats what they are doing to those in the occupy movement so why not do it to everyone else as well? My cousin up in Oregon seems to be spending some time with the occupy Portland group hope they dont develope the same problems there, Everyone seems to be centered on the size of the government lately and the huge amount of government spending. One side saying we need to cut back on government spending while the other side says we need to increase government spending to put money back into our sagging Economy, as usual the solution is veiled somewhere in the middle what is needed is to take the power of government out of the pockets of large corporations and return it to the people where it is supposed to be. There was a time when Government for the people by the people actually did exist, there was a time when the votes of the American People actually did matter. Unfortunately those times are collecting dust in the distant past, any more it is government by the largest and richest corporations who control whatever puppet they buy the offices for. Do our votes really matter anymore hell no the Electoral college made sure that the popular vote is a joke, the American people no longer elect the President that is done by a small "Elite Group of Guys" think I am wrong try this in 2012 If everyone in America wrote in their own name on the presidential ballot yes there is a place to do that. That would show you that the peoples vote does'nt matter because the electoral college would still put whoever their current favorite happens to be in office, and we would be forced once again to live four years under the thumb of some other jackass. Sad part of it all is that at present every last person making headlines in the current presidential sweepstakes is a dumbass, so by all means America vote for yourself and see what happens I can guarentee that you wont like the results.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Is the ground shaking and rumbling near you
I was just on my youtube channel watching several videos about the ground shaking and strange rumbling sounds coming from underground one of them from Kentucy, how very entertaining his post was and the sveral comments that were posted there as well. When you live in that region that sits right on the New Madrid Seimic Zone you are likely to feel the ground shaking and hear strange rumblings from underground, they are usualy precursors to a much larger event to occur in the near future so my advice to those people is to pack up those things you value most and get out of the area. As I have stated on previous occassions the NMSZ has been extremely active in the last year producing several hundred quakes of varying magnitudes, that is a part of the reason I moved my family away from the area dont want to be there when the big one hits and believe me it's not a matter of will it come but when it will come. Unlike California where the ground is soft and absorbs much of the shock, the ground in the mid west is a solid rock base and earthquakes in the 5.8 or above radius can be felt hundreds of miles away in places like Philedelphia and Charelston even rang church bells in Boston. Not to mention the huge sandblows produced by quakes in the NMSZ the ground there will produce secondary waves of such force that cities like Memphis and Lexington and even Chicago will suffer great damage the list of cities would be a terrible thing the list of casualties even worse, St Louis, Kansas City, Omaha,Council Bluffs the list goes on. there is a shit storm heading for that region within the next few years so people need to be prepared and take the proper steps, if you want to know these steps log on to the site for the United States Geological Survey and print off the emergency preparedness manual there it could save the lives of yourself and your family some day soon. Until than have a great day and a better tomorrow, "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind."
Saturday, September 17, 2011
What is the world coming to anyway?
I am not so sure that the people on Earth are really aware of the ongoing problems that exist, natural disasters of every sort are occuring at an increasingly regular basis and happening in seemingly unheard of places. Here in the United States for instance tornadoes in Massachusettes and Earth Quakes in Ohio how often do these incidents occur there? Earth Quakes are increasing on a trend that is truly alarming numbering into the thousands daily world wide dont believev me as I said check out the U.S.G.S. In the midst of all this crap going on I see everyone still wants to blame one political party or another I am not sure how politics is involved in natural disasters as a matter of fact I am sure it has nothing to do with it. Then you have all the N.W.O. and Illuminatti conspiracy theorists blaming them for all these events. Really? a bunch of rich ass power brokers are making earthquakes happen and volcanoes become active really? Come on people it is time to wake up and smell what you are shoveling even though the wheelbarrow is full.
The only way to stop this ongoing and increasing problem is to stop all the bullshit sqaubbling and strife in the world today and all peoples from all countries start working together to find a solution, is that likely to happen? fuck no because everyone still wants to either play the blame game or deny that the problem exists. I have two children ages 14 and 12 I would like to see them grow to adulthood and have familys of their own my only concerne is what kind of world are we leaving them and the generation to follow them? a fucked up dying one at the moment and if the problem continues to grow it may become to late to stop it if it hasnt reached that point already. So come together people of the world and find a way to fix the many bad things we as a race have done to our planet lest the planet become to unstable and fix us.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
High the memory remains.
I know this sounds kind of stupid or maybe cheesey dont know which but can you remember what you were doing when the first plane hit the world trade center towers? The absolute weird part is I know exactly what I was doing that morning I can remember it vividly, you see for me that should've been a happy day got up went to work was looking forward to signing the closing papers on the house that Karie and I had purchased after work that day.Right as I walked in the back door I heard the guys on the radio talking about breaking news of a plane crashing into the World Trade Center so I turned off the radio and turned on the television just in time to watch the second plane hit its mark. The famous speech by Franklin Roosevelt came immediately to mind for the last generation December 7 1941 was a day that will live in infamy, for this generation that day is September 11th 2001 when the world turned upside down for the people of America. However their are no real similarities to those two horrible days other than they occured on American Soil, the Japanese choose attacking the Naval Base at Pearl Harbor Hawaii as a way to bring America into the second world war, an act of war aimed at a military target here also 2000 plus Americans lost their lives but their the similarities end. The world Trade Center was not a military target and the people that died their were not professional soldiers who are paid to put their lives on the line for their country, no these were evryday people that did as they did every day they got out of bed and went to work. I stared transfixed at the television for a while as the anger grew within me because even than I had a pretty good idea as to who was responsible he and his goons had tried once before in 1993 if you will remember at that time nothing was done in retaliation and it shouldve been. Well this time the Assholes succeded in their plan but retaliation did come swiftly and with a purpose to let the rest of those Jack Wagons know that if you come sniffing around here we will piss on your grave after we put you in it. Today everyone in the United States needs to spend some time in silent reflection remebering that day and the horror and chaos that ensued remember all the people that died for no real reason because they chose to go to work that day. I sat back earlier and listened to a song by YES HIGH THE MEMORY as this song always makes me relax and reflect on events gone by so sit back relax and click the link and reflect on the days gone by and pay a silent tribute to all the dead of the past.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Some people might think........
You know I talk alot about earthquakes floods tornadoes and the vast increase in numbers in the last year and a half and the magnitudes growing larger, all of these are signs that the earth is changing rapidly if you want to look for yourself visit the United States Geological Surveys web site. As for tornadoes and hurricanes it's in the news that the numbers have increased yearly as has the intensities, hell for that matter on 9/9/11 there was a mag 6.4 quake off the coast of vancouver island that was felt in Seattle Washington though no significant damage was done. Hurricanes going all the way up the east coast of the United States into Maine when was the last time that happened like 100 years or more ago, followed by a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico that had residents of Mississippi and Louisiana having flashbacks and scurrying for cover.
How many people know that in centuries past the North Pole was Tropical? How many people have noticed that the polar ice cap is shrinking a little more every year? How many have noticed that ever larger chunks of glacial ice aka ice bergs are becoming prominent and reaching farther into more temperate waters? How many of you are aware that the perma frost of alaska is melting away and releasing large quantities of methane into the atmosphere? Think maybe the Earth itself is sending us a message that we are in for some drastic changes in the near future, now I am not talking end of the world shit or anything like that or some giant solar storm that will bake the earths surface I am talking about another ICE AGE the last one receded about 12 thousand years ago and the earth is slowly but surely shifting on it;s axis as it has in past centuries. I hear people talking about "The Illuminatti"all the time what good is a supposed shadow government or NEW WORLD ORDER going to be when they are presiding over a vast giant block of ice thats a laughable concept of this new world order crap they must have watched wcw wrestling at one time. now my suggestion for what its worth is move farther South as I and my family have away from the areas to be most affected and slowly start to stockpile canned goods and dried goods and maybe get a couple of portable generators and a supply of fuel for them, cause sooner or later a winter will set in that does'nt go away in a few months in the words of Jim Carray in the mask I believe that the Earth is telling us that its TIME FOR AN OVERHAUL.
Have a great day and a better tomorrow "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind."
How many people know that in centuries past the North Pole was Tropical? How many people have noticed that the polar ice cap is shrinking a little more every year? How many have noticed that ever larger chunks of glacial ice aka ice bergs are becoming prominent and reaching farther into more temperate waters? How many of you are aware that the perma frost of alaska is melting away and releasing large quantities of methane into the atmosphere? Think maybe the Earth itself is sending us a message that we are in for some drastic changes in the near future, now I am not talking end of the world shit or anything like that or some giant solar storm that will bake the earths surface I am talking about another ICE AGE the last one receded about 12 thousand years ago and the earth is slowly but surely shifting on it;s axis as it has in past centuries. I hear people talking about "The Illuminatti"all the time what good is a supposed shadow government or NEW WORLD ORDER going to be when they are presiding over a vast giant block of ice thats a laughable concept of this new world order crap they must have watched wcw wrestling at one time. now my suggestion for what its worth is move farther South as I and my family have away from the areas to be most affected and slowly start to stockpile canned goods and dried goods and maybe get a couple of portable generators and a supply of fuel for them, cause sooner or later a winter will set in that does'nt go away in a few months in the words of Jim Carray in the mask I believe that the Earth is telling us that its TIME FOR AN OVERHAUL.
Have a great day and a better tomorrow "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind."
Friday, September 9, 2011
Do they actually have a working Plan?
Ah the rediculous speech that President Obama made last night was great in entertainment value, but came up short on feasible solutions to the growing political chaos in this country. I didnt vote for him last time because he was an inexperienced junior senator and a political novice, I wont vote for him this time because like all career politicians he's a lying ass sack of monkey dung. The last strong and effective President we had in this country was Ronald Reagan back than all those little third world whigs were afraid to fuck with the United States because they knew the results of their actions would be extreme and immediate, I dont think their is any current world leaders who are even slightly afraid of Barrack Obama and thats just the start of the problem. His new jobs bill is focused on preserving the jobs that already exist and spending money to fix up schools and Americas Infrastructure that part is fine only problem is these tasks will go to the unions to get accomplished and they will use their already existing workforce to accomplish this, hmm no new jobs there yet cut social security even farther back than you already have so that all the money that people like us have paid in wont even be available by the time we reach retirement age incredible plan. If the President really wants to accomplish something he needs to study what Franklin Roosevelt accomplished during his tenure, he created jobs out of nothing to put Americans back to work during a very bleak time in our history and bought the stagnant economy back to life again. Couple this with his plan to withdraw our troops from Iraq which was a Bush vendetta that never should've happened and had nothing to do with the war on terror and now that Bin hiding is dead instead of hiding we should be out of Afghanistan as well, that plan seems to have gone by the wayside as he sends more American Soldiers over their every day let the towel benders solve their own problems and pull our people the fuck out of that mess. Our government just seems to want to throw money out their to the already wealthy why we the people take it up the ass at their expense, not even the benefit of a lubricant or the courtesy of a reach around. If our lame ass leaders cant solve the problems in this country then we need to find someone who can and elect them, extend unemployment benefits again? Why so those lazy non working cocksuckers can sit around on their fat asses and get paid at the expense of those of us who have jobs and go to work? Bunch of bullshit is what that is stop giving them money for nothing and maybe they will go find a job, start reducing the 9.2% unemployment rate in this country any job even as a whopper flopper is better than no job at all. Worst off the republican front runners for the coming election are just as lame and ignorant as president Obama, for the coming election I think every American of voting age should vote for themselves and throw Washington into complete turmoil no elected president what do we do now everyone voted for themselves. Or maybe at the coming tax time everyone should file exempt and not pay taxes next year that would grease their gears couldnt spend everyone elses money as they have been for years, am I ranting yes do I give a shit no not really I for one am tired of the mess that our elected leaders have made of our country, what was that drivel they were spouting in the last election thats not change its more of the same? Well more of the same is what we got for our troubles this time out if there was any change it was for the worse that much is certain, if the assholes in Washington cant solve the current problems in this country than they need to shut the fuck up and stop lying to everyone and making false solutions to real problems.
Have a great day and a better tomorrow "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind"
Have a great day and a better tomorrow "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind"
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Life is sweet if not very hot
Ah I am feeling refreshed and alive we have relocated to Corsicana Texas and things are slowly but surely taking a change for the better for us, other than the fact that neither of the kids are overly thrilled with the idea of having to wear school uniforms. Karie and I are both working and life is improving nicely so stay tuned for further updates and future observations have a great day and a better tomorrow "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind."
Monday, June 20, 2011
Holy Crap
We are in the final stage of the move to Texas thank god there will not be another Nebraska winter to deal with, plus all the flooding and strange animal behaviors going on in the midwest makes me kinda nervous anyway. Couple all these things with nearly daily small seismic events in Arkansas and a somewhat larger seismic event in souteastern missouri earlier this month, this area does'nt hold the same charms it once did. Time to move farther southwest to the state that I spent my growing years in, someone once said that home is where you hang your hat I believe that home is where you feel comfortable and at ease. So for me it is a home coming of sorts for my wife and kids this will be a grand adventure and also an escape from certain annoying elements in her family. So my next post will be made in a much warmer climate and god will I be happy to be there till than Have a great day and a better tomorrow"Chance Favors the Prepared Mind."
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Chilling on a Sunday Afternoon.
Ah the peace and quiet has returned basically because my Brother in law his Girlfriend and her two exceedingly loud and annoying kids found a place and moved out, peace reigns supreme now in the house no more Father in law vs Brother in law arguements about the damn cats in the house, no more two annoying brats screeching about wanting to go outside and having a temper tantrum in front of the door after being told no(thats the 2 year old) No more 30 minute battle over cleaning himself off after shitting or pissing his pants (thats the 5 year old). I do not claim that my kids were or for that matter are perfect but I never had those problems with them both of mine were out of diapers by age 2. I do not try to give parenting advice as I do not find that feasible and most would resent it anyway, I wish my dumbass Brother in law would figure this out and stop offering his especially as his example is a 23 year old who lays around and does nothing orthe two mentioned above.
I am not a perfect parent or a perfect person for that matter hell who is any takers to that? As far as I know the only perfect person who lived on this planet was crucified by the Romans at Golgatha, what I find humorous is someone with a 9th grade education who acts like a 2 year old half the time trying to give me advice on how I do things and how to live my life. People who act as if they have done everything that you can mention and appearently better than anyone else are inheirently annoying to begin with, when you know they are lying their ass off as they say something than they are not only annoying they then also become dumbass liars as well. I deal with him everyday sort of , as when I come walking up on one of his screaming rants he shuts up and walks away smart on his part perhaps the only smart thing that he does. As I said peace and quiet and peace of mind have returned and thank you god for that.
I am not a perfect parent or a perfect person for that matter hell who is any takers to that? As far as I know the only perfect person who lived on this planet was crucified by the Romans at Golgatha, what I find humorous is someone with a 9th grade education who acts like a 2 year old half the time trying to give me advice on how I do things and how to live my life. People who act as if they have done everything that you can mention and appearently better than anyone else are inheirently annoying to begin with, when you know they are lying their ass off as they say something than they are not only annoying they then also become dumbass liars as well. I deal with him everyday sort of , as when I come walking up on one of his screaming rants he shuts up and walks away smart on his part perhaps the only smart thing that he does. As I said peace and quiet and peace of mind have returned and thank you god for that.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Osama is hiding no more.
Such a joy it was to see that news on television,Bin laden is dead now the world can rest a little easier at night. Will this end al-queda no not even close will it disrupt their operations for awhile it will, terrorist groiups are like a cancer they never go away they may go into remission for awhile but they will always be a danger lurking in the background. Now that we have rid the world of a mass murdering serial killer it is time to bring all the Men and Women fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq home, let all those little piss ant towel bender countries worry about themselves. Will that happen anytime soon most likely not why? because war is big business in certain realms of our government, lots of money is made clandestinely by several orginizations within our governments structure during times of war. So regardless of who is President be it Obama should he win re election or somebody else, when talk arises of pulling our troops out and bringing them home they will be visited by some very powerful people imploring them not to take that action. By the Obama plan we should've been out of Iraq already are we? hell no were not why? because he was visited by these people and convinced to for go the planned withdrawl. Should a President choose to ignore these people and do as he pleases or do what is right, well one President did that and for the consequences of his actions November 22 1962 in Dallas Texas ring any bells for you? As for me I take simple pleasure in knowing that nearly 3000 Americans who commited no crime other than going to work have been avenged, kind of ironic that we punched bin ladens ticket on the same day that hitler committed suicide. For now let the celebrations begin the most wanted terrorist in the world is shark food, good riddance to his punk ass just to bad that zawahirri wasnt visiting him at the time could have gotten 2 for the price of 1 than. 10 years ago all those little bastards over their were celebrating and dancing in the streets as the Twin Towers fell, now they are saying it shows a complete lack of class or good taste or whatever that we do the same at the death of the man who perpetrated that event? they are saying that we should have taken his body to Saudi Arabia for a proper muslim burial. FUCK YOU you militant little bastards they should,ve wrapped his body in pig skin before they dumped him in and fed him to the sharks. As for the other about celebrating in the streets well I guess if you are hypocritical enough to think it was fine for you but not for us so be it, only difference is we have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that sooner or later no matter where you hide you will be found and you will be dealt with rather harshly. I believe it was than President George W Bush who said if you side with the terrorists you will be treated as a terrorist, let the rest of al-queda's leadership and the leadership of these other orginizations take notice do something stupid to the wrong people and even if it takes two lifetimes you will be found and you will be ended.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Cool days are coming.
No ranting and raving and carrying on today not in the mood, instead I just decided to share the love on a sunday afternoon.
Friday, April 8, 2011
In case you are interested.
Just wrote a new article that you can read on Ezine articles dot com, it concerns web sites and reasons you do not need them.
Read and enjoy.
Read and enjoy.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
This is a scary thought
I was doing a little research today looking into a very interesting web site to peruse,that would be the site for the Unites States Geological Survey. It is free to go into the site and study all the stuff that you want, historical data from past earthquakes for instance and studies into present conditions among the major fault lines also called seismic zones coincedentally. One thing I discovered during my looking was the fact that there were 748 minor quakes in the United States in the last month, a crap load of them in Alaska and California of course in Cali they are a normal and accepted event. I got down to looking into what I went onto the site to look at and this gave me some cause for concern, the New Madrid Seismic Zone is a large system of faults that covers parts of 7 states in the midwest. The last big shaker in this area was 1968 I believe it was in Dale Illinoise, that being a magnitude 5.5 the effects of which were felt as far away as Boston Mass. I started studying the geological makeup of the region and discovered that quakes in California for instance do not have these far reaching effects because the soil is soft and squishy allowing it to absorb much of the shock, here in this area the soil base is hard firm rock which does not absorb the shock letting the quakes in this region have far more range of effect. In 1811 and 1812 or to be precise December of 1811 and January and February of 1812 three major quakes rocked this region, all within the upper 7's in magnitude the quakes were felt as far away as Philidelphia Pa and Charelston SC thats a huge statement. Back than one of the largest towns along the Mississippi River was New Madrid Missouri, well the original site is now underwater and the area was sparesly populated back than this was the epicenter of those quakes. Imagine now with all of the large U.S. Cities in that region Memphis, TN St Louis, Kansas City, Little Rock and more as well as the vast number of small rural communities. These were three of the largest quakes ever to occur in the U.S. and they were fortunate to happen in an area where not many people lived to begin with, today that is a densely populated area with all of the afore mentioned cities and others as well. Could you begin to imagine the catastrophic results of say a Magnitude7.7 or greater quake there now? How many of those Cities are built in such a way as to withstand quakes in general? Not to mention a quake of that proportion, the recent earthquake in Japan and several smaller ones around China and Thailand caused mass destuction and untold amounts of casualties. Are we as a people in the Midwest ready and prepared to deal with those same circumstances? How many Casualties would we have in this region in a quake or two of that Magnitude? Who would we rely on for help? How many would be willing to help? Just some troubled thoughts during troubled times.If you want to take a look for yourself log on here
USGS website
USGS website
Monday, March 28, 2011
Am I one of the few to notice this?
I have been looking quite alot lately at a variety of videos on you tube on UFO'S, some are so obviously faked or great cgi use that it is easy to spot. On the other hand there are a select few that are not faked and have no logical explanation as to what they are, this one I am showing you today for your consideration is from Jerusalem last month. Three different videos in a compilation from different angles all seeing the same thing. The number of reported UFO sightings has climbed exponentially every year for the last several years,less than 100 in 2006 to well over 100 in 2007 and over 200 every year since and there have already been more than 50 this year and it's only March. Couple that with the fact that a large number of these sightings are in active war zones, or places of some special signifigance to a mass number of people. It seems to me that there is a lot of recon going on in the last several years only thing that is hard to tell, is this a good thing or a bad thing with the date of the Mayan calender drawing ever closer? Not only that if you have ever read revelations in the bible a lot of that is starting to ring very true as well, hell it is not uncommon anymore for multiple UFO sightings on any given night if you pay attention to the skies around you you will probably see one yourself sooner or later. Everyone wants answers nowadays the only problem with that is, before you can give the answer you have to ask the right question and so far nobody knows what that is. The only ones who know the correct question are them and they quite obviously are not talking as of yet, perhaps in time they will who can say I hope I am around to see that day as I have a few questions of my own. In the meantime check out the link below to the video and judge for yourself rather it is fake or real, perhaps the Aliens or whatever they are got a little religion lately.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
UFO over China
I saw later that the link that I put on my post yesterday did not work sorry my bad so I am redoing it now, as I said there is no way that this particular footage could be faked as if you listen you can hear people shooting at it. Also I know that we have no aircraft that match that description and I am pretty sure that they do not either so as FOX MULDER is prone to say
Friday, March 25, 2011
UFO over China
Just saw this on You Tube pretty awesome video footage and very hard to fake, if you listen closely you can hear people shooting at it though I am not to sure what they were trying to accomplish. Being that this video is fro china there is no telling what they thought they were doing but so be it.
">Watch Video.
">Watch Video.
What happened to spring?
March 25th is supposed to be into spring you know trees starting to bloom that kind of thing, instead I wake up this morning to find 2" of fresh snow on the ground. What the hell happened to SPRING? We are in the process of preparing to move to Texas, this move is for a multitude of reasons one of which is to get away from this annoying Nebraska weather. I was born in Lincoln but spent most of my growing up years in San Antonio my Dad worked for the Government so we moved a few times, had I been a year or two older when he retired I would probably have never returned to Nebraska. I am now glad that I did as without this move I would'nt have met my wife and would'nt have my two wonderful children, one of my friends someone I have known since the old High School days is from Dallas originally. His folks are from Palestine we are all returning to where we consider home as a group, there is very little left to make me stay in Nebraska and a vast amount of reasons for me to get my family out of here. Perhaps the biggest single factor to make me wish to move is to get my Wife and Children away from my Jackwagon Brother in law, he is the biggest moron I have had the displeasure of knowing in my life. The perenial human sponge who leeches on to others and sponges off them permanently, my Father in Law is 65 lives on social security and is still taking care of his soon to be 47 year old son who is perennially unemployed, yes many people are that way but most of them go looking for jobs he does not he sleeps all day and bitches like a wildman all night. I have come close on more than one occassion to considering Homicide as a solution but squelch that urge, now he complains that we are moving to Texas as we will be 900 miles away and wont be able tosee him anymore and that is just bullshit well for my wife and kids and I it is more along the lines of HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN, or perhaps I am free at last thank god almighty I am free at last thank you doctor Martin Luther King for those Inspirational Words.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
I am not sure what they are thinking or if they are at all.
I have seen that elevated radiation levels are reaching the Cali shore now and working there way inward, thanks Ray for that little tip by the way. Whats even worse to me is the fact that the Japanese Government is having the people that live there seal themselves in there houses and stay inside, excuse me does the term mass evacuation have any meaning to them? I know that they have burned many bridges in there time but at the moment I am sure most other countries would band together and give any assistance needed. It occured to my slightly offbeat sense of reality that perhaps this is a twisted form of population control that they are enacting, sound crazy? is it not insane to tell all those people to stay there in the first place? You be the judge which is crazier I certainly hope I am wrong but it does'nt seem that way at present.
Have a great day and a better tomorrow, "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind."
Have a great day and a better tomorrow, "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind."
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Why do people give you advice?
I was recently in fact this morning offered this great parenting advice from my Brother in Law, and he caps it off withthats what we did with Zack when he was that age. I look at this as having great entertainment value to me as he is attempting to tell me how to deal with my son, while his son whom he continually spouts as an example on everything is a 23 year old non working and not looking for work lay around sponge. The apple appearently really does'nt fall far from the tree as my Brother in Law also does not work and makes no effort to find work either. Whats even more humorous is the fact that rthey both of them if there girlfriends were to fart could accurately tell you what they have for breakfast in the morning. So when you are offered advice wanted or not as was the case here, consider the source of the advice and act accordingly.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Seems appropriate with the times.
With all the strife and terrible things going on in the world today, perhaps it is time to hold on to the one thing that all the world will have in some common way.
No matter what your religious beliefs may be or how you choose to exercise that religion, they are all essentially based on faith are they not?. The unbending faith and belief that no matter how bad things may get there is always something good that will come out of it somewhere, someway. At any rate I thought that everyone could use a peaceful thought provoking interlude away from all the bad things in the world.
No matter what your religious beliefs may be or how you choose to exercise that religion, they are all essentially based on faith are they not?. The unbending faith and belief that no matter how bad things may get there is always something good that will come out of it somewhere, someway. At any rate I thought that everyone could use a peaceful thought provoking interlude away from all the bad things in the world.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Is it really possible to help Japan and others?
As i see more and more news reports and video of the exstensive damage over there the more I realize that I live in a spot that is relatively free of these types of natural disasters, they need food, fresh water, medications and a lot more people then are currently working to dig through the rubble for survivors and victims. to be honest from some of the footage I have seen they need super size dozers to clear everything out and start over from scratch, of course with a nuclear plant on the verge of melt down that could become irrelevant. Perhaps the only thing that will really help right now is complete evacuation to mainland Asia somewhere or other places as well, how far do you have to flee to escape a nuclear cloud or is there anyplace far enough away to be safe?. Than I see that the french are talking about invading Libya isnt that like pissing on a forest fire or something? If the Soviet Union couldnt defeat Afghanistan what makes the inept ass French think they can beat Libya? What would they accomplish other than pissing off a bunch of extremist groups and open themselves up to multiple terrorist attacks, oh I know maybe all those assholes would leave us in the United States alone for awhile and concentrate on the French that would be a good thing for us out of that mess. Just some food for thought have a great day and a better tomorrow,"Chance Favors the Prepared Mind."
Saturday, March 12, 2011
So what is next?
Now I see where Japan is having much more intense problems with a nuclear power plant exploding, can you say fallout,nuclear winter anyone?. Actually eerily ironic that this happened in Japan dont you think? now after the earthquake and the tsunami they have to deal with nuclear fallout from a power plant exploding due to the earthquake damage, I see all these places for helping Japan pop up and as it turns out the best help for them may be evacuation in whole if this new problem is not contained very soon.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Were the Mayans right after all?
In recent months there have been earthquakes in places where there shouldnt be Oklahoma for instance,Nebraska for another winters have been longer and harsher than they have in a century. Some people interperate the Mayan calendar as predicting the end of the world this is untrue, what it predicts is the end of one age and the start of another. The last time this happened was 12,000 years ago anybody remember there school lessons about the last ice age?, perhaps it is time for the population of the world to wake up to the fact that some serious things are going down. the Earthquake and resultant Tsunami in Japan and the rest of the Paciffic basin is just one more sign that nature is pissed and working on getting even with humanity, why you ask look how badly we have mangled the planet with all our mining and nuclear arms tests and drilling for oil and such. Is it any wonder that people are moving away from the coasts and farther inland? perhaps thinking this will spare them from coming events? will moving accomplish this feat I guess that only time will tell
Thursday, March 10, 2011
something very cool
The Sack Lunches
I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my
assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good
book to read Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought.
Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and
filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a
conversation. 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to
'Petawawa. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're
being deployed to Afghanistan
After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack lunches
were available for five dollars. It would be several hours before we
reached the east, and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time..
As I reached for my wallet, I overheard soldier ask his buddy if he planned
to buy lunch. 'No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch.
Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks. I'll wait till we get to base '
His friend agreed.
I looked around at the other soldiers. None were buying lunch. I walked to
the back of the plane and handed the flight attendant a fifty dollar bill.
'Take a lunch to all those soldiers.' She grabbed my arms and squeezed
tightly. Her eyes wet with tears, she thanked me. 'My son was a soldier in
Iraq ; it's almost like you are doing it for him.'
Picking up ten sacks, she headed up the aisle to where the soldiers were
seated. She stopped at my seat and asked, 'Which do you like best- beef or
'Chicken,' I replied, wondering why she asked. She turned and went to the
front of plane, returning a minute later with a dinner plate from first
class. 'This is your thanks.'
After we finished eating, I went again to the back of the plane,
heading for the rest room. A man stopped me. 'I saw what you did. I want
to be part of it. Here, take this.' He handed me twenty-five dollars.
Soon after I returned to my seat, I saw the Flight Captain coming down the
aisle, looking at the aisle numbers as he walked, I hoped he was not looking
for me, but noticed he was looking at the numbers only on my side of the
plane. When he got to my row he stopped, smiled, held out his hand, an
said, 'I want to shake your hand.'
Quickly unfastening my seatbelt I stood and took the Captain's hand. With a
booming voice he said, 'I was a soldier and I was a military pilot. Once,
someone bought me a lunch. It was an act of kindness I never forgot.' I
was embarrassed when applause was heard from all of the passengers.
Later I walked to the front of the plane so I could stretch my legs. A man
who was seated about six rows in front of me reached out his hand, wanting
to shake mine. He left another twenty-five dollars in my palm.
When we landed I gathered my belongings and started to deplane.
Waiting just inside the airplane door was a man who stopped me, put
something in my shirt pocket, turned, and walked away without saying a word..
Another twenty-five dollars!
Upon entering the terminal, I saw the soldiers gathering for their trip to
the base. I walked over to them and handed them seventy-five dollars. 'It
will take you some time to reach the base. It will be about time for a
sandwich. God Bless You.'
Ten young men left that flight feeling the love and respect of their fellow
travelers. As I walked briskly to my car, I whispered a prayer for their
safe return. These soldiers were giving their all for our country. I could
only give them a couple of meals.
It seemed so little...
A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life,wrote a blank check made
payable to ' America for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'
That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no
longer understand it.'
I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my
assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good
book to read Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought.
Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and
filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a
conversation. 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to
'Petawawa. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're
being deployed to Afghanistan
After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack lunches
were available for five dollars. It would be several hours before we
reached the east, and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time..
As I reached for my wallet, I overheard soldier ask his buddy if he planned
to buy lunch. 'No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch.
Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks. I'll wait till we get to base '
His friend agreed.
I looked around at the other soldiers. None were buying lunch. I walked to
the back of the plane and handed the flight attendant a fifty dollar bill.
'Take a lunch to all those soldiers.' She grabbed my arms and squeezed
tightly. Her eyes wet with tears, she thanked me. 'My son was a soldier in
Iraq ; it's almost like you are doing it for him.'
Picking up ten sacks, she headed up the aisle to where the soldiers were
seated. She stopped at my seat and asked, 'Which do you like best- beef or
'Chicken,' I replied, wondering why she asked. She turned and went to the
front of plane, returning a minute later with a dinner plate from first
class. 'This is your thanks.'
After we finished eating, I went again to the back of the plane,
heading for the rest room. A man stopped me. 'I saw what you did. I want
to be part of it. Here, take this.' He handed me twenty-five dollars.
Soon after I returned to my seat, I saw the Flight Captain coming down the
aisle, looking at the aisle numbers as he walked, I hoped he was not looking
for me, but noticed he was looking at the numbers only on my side of the
plane. When he got to my row he stopped, smiled, held out his hand, an
said, 'I want to shake your hand.'
Quickly unfastening my seatbelt I stood and took the Captain's hand. With a
booming voice he said, 'I was a soldier and I was a military pilot. Once,
someone bought me a lunch. It was an act of kindness I never forgot.' I
was embarrassed when applause was heard from all of the passengers.
Later I walked to the front of the plane so I could stretch my legs. A man
who was seated about six rows in front of me reached out his hand, wanting
to shake mine. He left another twenty-five dollars in my palm.
When we landed I gathered my belongings and started to deplane.
Waiting just inside the airplane door was a man who stopped me, put
something in my shirt pocket, turned, and walked away without saying a word..
Another twenty-five dollars!
Upon entering the terminal, I saw the soldiers gathering for their trip to
the base. I walked over to them and handed them seventy-five dollars. 'It
will take you some time to reach the base. It will be about time for a
sandwich. God Bless You.'
Ten young men left that flight feeling the love and respect of their fellow
travelers. As I walked briskly to my car, I whispered a prayer for their
safe return. These soldiers were giving their all for our country. I could
only give them a couple of meals.
It seemed so little...
A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life,wrote a blank check made
payable to ' America for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'
That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no
longer understand it.'
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Living with Inlaws SUCKS
Due to the great economic downturn of the last few years we lost our store our house and pretty much everything else including our collective sanity, however we were able to move in to my Father in Laws house which was fine at first. However since that time my brother in law and his girlfriend and her two kids as well as my wifes neice from Kansas have all moved in as well, if you ever want to be stressed out and place undue stress on your relationship with the in laws live with them. My brother in law acts as if it's his house and like everyone should bend over backwards to kiss him and hiss girlfriends asses, they are not special or better than anyone else here hell at least I have a job which is more than I can say for him. He is all the time screaming and hollering at my kids and tries sticking his nose in my business when I am dealing with them which about led to blows a few days ago so he backed off from that situation, thing is as soon as possible like right after the school year ends my wife and kids and I are moving to texas.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
How Revolting.
I was going through the news on my Yahoo the other day and I stopped to read the article about their still being huge amounts of oil on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico, they have their point and counter point on it and the experts claim that the gulf region will be returned to normal by 2012 and other drivel like that. For one thing I am not an expert on the subject but I am fairly certain that it will take more than two years for the region to recover more along the lines of centuries I would think, but what really got my attention was the first comment below where some JACKWAGON claimed that the Republicans were killing baby dolphins now I am sorry but all of this happened two years after George Bush left office and had nothing to do with him or the Republican party for that matter it had nothing to do with the Democratic party either at least not directly, you could maybe blame the Obama administration for the slow response time just as they did Bush during Katrina.
My point However is if you must assign blame assign it correctly such as B.P. who owned the rig that exploded or maybe to the JACKWAGON company that built the faulty ass rig to begin with, wasnt that second oil rig built by the same company? does anyone see a pattern in this? As for the Yahoo Assclown that blamed the Republicans get over it that might have worked for 2009 sort of but unless Obama has suddenly changed parties in mid term the Democrats are the more likely perpetrators for your argument. Have a great day and a better tomorrow"Chance Favors the Prepared Mind".
My point However is if you must assign blame assign it correctly such as B.P. who owned the rig that exploded or maybe to the JACKWAGON company that built the faulty ass rig to begin with, wasnt that second oil rig built by the same company? does anyone see a pattern in this? As for the Yahoo Assclown that blamed the Republicans get over it that might have worked for 2009 sort of but unless Obama has suddenly changed parties in mid term the Democrats are the more likely perpetrators for your argument. Have a great day and a better tomorrow"Chance Favors the Prepared Mind".
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Innane laws or attempts at making them
I saw a while back that the state of California was trying to yet again pass video game legislation, basically prohibiting sales of certain games to minors and if said games were sold then levying rediculous fines on the retailers. First off to me at least that is way over stepping a States authority in matters such as this, they were saying that these games led to an increase in the chances of these kids committing violent crimes. My 13 year old son and I play dead rising quite often and frankly enjoy the hell out of it, running zombies over with snow blowers and lawn mowers, picking one up with a drill bit and using it to annihalate others until it disintigrates. Great entertainment and quality bonding time is what it is for us, he also plays grand theft auto saints row call of duty and all these so called corrupting games as do I. He is also an A and B student in school and has no tendecies towards violence or violent behavior, he is intelligent enough to know that these games are fantasy perhaps if the parents paid more attention to their children instead of whatever it is they are caught up in then these kids would be at home gaming with their parents instead of out being stupid food for thought.
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