Monday, March 16, 2020
It's mind boggling how the Corona insanity has swept the nation, so many people blindly following the media like puppets. All the time ignoring completely the statements from respected epidemiologist's. Do all of you truly believe that these so called journalist's know more than the Doctor's do? All of you completely ignore videos released by people who are qualified to make statements about the virus, there's a reason they're telling you to ignore the media and the idiot's on TV. I saw yesterday while at work one of the talking heads saying 3000 confirmed case's in the United States and the death toll approaching 70, then I looked at the information on the CDC website which tells an entirely different story. Not yet 2000 case's nationwide and a death toll just over 40, do any of you stop to ponder why the media does these misinformation campaigns on a regular basis? I see so many of you complaining about and railing against the 3 percent that own most of the nation's wealth, who has all this pre programmed panic buying benefited? That's correct those people whom you all proclaim to hate, I've seen some call them the source of all evil. It's all a load of bullshit propaganda spewed by well paid talking heads, funded by political puppets making power plays. The Corona virus also called Covid 19 has been around since time begin, it's a strain of the flu nothing more. Thousands of people die every year from the flu around the world, what's making this different? The media hyping it up and turning it into a supposed pandemic. Italy, Spain, Japan and other's all under basically martial law. Since the Dueschocrats in Congress forced his hand, and President Trump declared a national emergency over this crap. He now has more outright power to act then any President in over a century, do any of you even remember what the insurrection act is? Do you remember or even know that after the South went the route of secession, President Abraham Lincoln declared a national emergency and used the power given him by that act to start the civil war. There's already talk of an enforced 14 day nationwide quarantine, using Federal, State and local law enforcement and the National Guard of each State for implementing it. That's martial law people, something that couldn't be done until 1500 hours on Friday March 13th when a national emergency was enacted. Wake the hell up people you're being played, and while you continue to follow blindly everything that comes out of your TV you will continue to be played. I leave you today with the word's of a prophet that were penned in the mid 70's and are very true in this day and age. " You will obey me while I lead you and eat the garbage that I feed you until the day that I don't need you don't scream for help no one will heed you. Your mind is totally controlled it has been stuffed into my mold, and you will do as you are told until the rights to you are sold. I'm the best you can get have you guessed me yet? I'm the Slime oozing out of your TV set.
Have a great day and a better tomorrow.
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