Sunday, March 5, 2017

What has our Country become?

So now as more and more details surface over the weekend about all the leaks and and supposed collusion of people within the Trump campaign and now administration with the Russians, though as has been pointed out by several members of Congress no evidence has been offered that proves any Americans were in collusion with the Russians and there hacking of the DNC which has been proven. What bothers me the most out of all of this mess and what seems to be completely overlooked is the fact that all this very sensitive information is being made public with no recompense being made, and the actual seemingly proven events of not only American Citizens but specific Citizens connected to a political campaign being targeted for wire tapping. For instance Jeff Sessions than a United States Senator having a meeting in his office at the Senate Office Building with the Russian Ambassador, a meeting I might add set up by the State Department which was under control of then President Barack Obama and the meeting is suddenly a public attempt at discrediting the current Attorney General which the Democrats are jumping on even though many of them met with the same Russian Ambassador and that was fine. The simple fact that the intelligence gathering agencies in this Country were directed by the Department of Justice to monitor this meeting after it was set up by the same administration is just that a set up plain and simple, the monitoring of phone conversations between the incoming National Security Advisor and the same Russian Ambassador also being made public is very discouraging. People being targeted in an opposing political party being targeted in a Fisa warrant a month before a general election, nobody seems to notice a very dangerous trend here? When exactly did all of this become alright? A FISA warrant has to be initiated by the Department of Justice at the time under the Control of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the same Attorney General who met privately with former President Clinton on board her private jet. Mysteriously a very public investigation of Hilary Clinton ended quickly immediately afterwards, yet everyone seems to look past that rather obvious collusion. I'm just amazed that over the course of time a percentage of the American people have decided it's alright for one political party to use their position of being in power,to use American intelligence gathering agencies to spy on the opposition. So it seems that Fascist tendencies are now acceptable,as long as it fits their desires.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Interesting side track for the day.

While I was back up in Nebraska due to unforeseen circumstances I had the opportunity to help my daughter with her homework,I was very surprised to discover that the topic in her upcoming debate class is healthcare. Seems to be quite the politically charged topic for a high school debate, be that as it may she was asking my opinion on what she'd written so far so this post is more for her than anything else. First off if they're going to use this for a topic they should call it by it's actual name which is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act not Obamacare, secondly speaking as a man who used to have a healthcare plan through my employer it's not appropriately named.back in the Clinton Presidency and through the Bush 43 Presidency I had an affordable plan for myself and my Family to the tune of $286.00 a month, under the auspices of the "Not" so Affordable Care Act those became $471.00 out of each check or close to$950.00 a month. The downfall of the ACA is it limits the number of providers in each State so they're able to set their premiums at any rate they desire unhindered,the proposed replacement calls for people being able to shop for healthcare plans across State Lines which would create a competitive process and would actually start to bring monthly premiums down,that would be a step in the right direction but not an overall cure to the problem. What is needed is each State or the Federal Government to place regulatory compliance on the insurance industry and on the big Pharmaceutical Companies, stopping them from driving up prices at will would be a giant leap in the right direction. They place regulatory compliance on the SEC and a lot of other agencies or businesses perhaps it's time to do so in an industry that needs it,they will sick there lobbyists on the members of Congress and stop padding their pockets but so be it. When people started buying their prescription drugs from Canada due to the fact they could pay $68.00 there for a prescription that costs them $400.00 here the lobbyists went crazy and went on full frontal assault on Congress getting them to pass a law making that illegal,a bill that then President Obama happily signed into Law. It would seem the padding of pockets has reached the highest level,but I digress in summary if the proposed replacement delivers allowing people to shop across State Lines, giving tax credit incentives to those who cannot afford health insurance otherwise, removing the penalty for those who don't have insurance which was ignorant as the penalty on your taxes was far more affordable than Insurance has been. Add onto this proposal regulations on both insurance companies and the big Pharmaceutical Companies and then you would actually achieve the "Affordable Care Act" which everyone is so up in arms about.