Thursday, February 12, 2015
So many topics to cover
I did not realize until just now that I have not posted to here since May of last year, I am not so much remiss as I have a lot of stuff going on some of which I will not go into anywhere. Now onto the first thing and the reason that I came back to here today the current events unfolding in the Middle East and the response from our President or perhaps I should say lack of response, the fact that he went to Congress seeking to enact the war powers act to combat ISIS or ISIL or whatever those loons wish to call themselves is good in and of itself way past due for certain but good. However seeking to make this a limited engagement with a pre determined time table not so good did you learn nothing from your well announced withdraws from both Iraq and Afghanistan? As the leader of the Free World as the President of the United States of America you cannot tell the enemy we are coming we will be here this long and then we will leave, of course it would also be far more assuring to the American people if you actually called the enemy what they are. Even as you asked Congress to authorize the use of Military Force to combat ISIS you claimed that they are not Islamist's when in fact they are they are insane and radicalized which you sir need to develop the testicular fortitude to call them that but they are Islamist's. I understand that you do not like to use that phrase as you were raised Muslim as a young child when you lived in Indonesia however to effectively fight any enemy you have to recognize them for what they are. It is time Nr.President for you to start acting like what you were elected by the people to be and take exacting punitive action against an enemy that you allowed to become this dangerous by not stopping them long ago when the task would have been much easier, now because you allowed them to grow and gain both strength and numbers the mission will be far more difficult to accomplish and I am afraid far more costly as well. If you are a wise man you will do as your predecessor did and form an exacting precise strategy starting with the task of bombing the living daylights out of their considerable infrastructure and taking out their command and control abilities before any other actions are taken. The continuous drone strikes you are doing will not accomplish this we as a Country have considerable assets in the region and I would suggest sir putting them to good and efficient use, starting with the reinstating of cruise missile based assaults on every fortification they have for an extended period until nothing remains of their effective infrastructure but rubble. In the end however though you do not wish to admit this the need for boots on the ground will come to weed out and eliminate the stragglers who manage to survive the earlier bombardment. As sad as it is you sir have bought this on yourself by failing to recognize these fanatics as a very real threat and acting earlier, now many men and women will have to pay the price for your inability to recognize an enemy as an enemy until it is far to late.
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