Tuesday, May 13, 2014
U.S.Senate blog for the day
Finally the day that I have been waiting for Election day in Nebraska it is hard to do any constructive speaking when you have zero idea who your opponents will be, after today I will be able to see who the survivors are and speak on the same issues they choose to address as well as bring up in State issues they may wish to avoid. Now is the time to be ready for the coming year and the serious planning involved as I myself plan to as time allows visit as many Towns, Villages and Cities large and small as I can until the general election in November. All that any man or woman can do is choose carefully how you intend to get your message out to the people and that is what I intend to do get my message out there in a way that will both capture peoples attention and imprint my name in their minds and memories so come November they may care enough to seek a different kind of leadership in Washington D.C. than that which currently inhabits that City and inhibits the freedoms we were given long ago. So be ready my Friends and Family throughout the State and all my fellow Nebraskans because sooner or later over the course of this year Shan Ferguson will be coming to your town, for now keep in mind that "Chance truly does favor the prepared mind.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Blog #3 U.S.Senate Race trying something a little different today.
Today I am trying a different approach to this so that perhaps people will see that I am absolutely serious about being a write in Independent Constitutionalist Candidate for the U.S. Senate from Nebraska, today I will give my thoughts on the very hot and controversial issue of illegal immigration into The United States. First and foremost the top priority is greatly enhancing the Security of the Southern Border of The United States why you say would I specify the Southern Border? my response would be if you have ever went to and returned from Canada you would not even bother asking this question to begin with. If you google and look at Mexico's Southern Border it looks like Fort Knox and yet the same Government that has done that to their border has an absolute meltdown when anybody here suggests doing that to America's Southern Border why because they are well paid by the drug cartels who do not want a secure border which would greatly hamper their illicit smuggling. So therefore to stem the flow of illegal drugs flowing freely into our Country from points South we must strengthen our borders both at ground level and below ground as well, this would also greatly reduce the sheer volume of Illegals entering our Country. Second part becomes far more complicated however as there are a variety of reasons these people have come here the way they did and not all of these people are bad as a point of fact only a very small portion of the Illegals in this Country are criminals, the rest are decent people that fled the land of there birth for either political or financial reasons and quite simply could not afford the exorbitant costs that these Country's impose upon people that wish to leave their Country the legal way and some Countries just will not allow people to leave sad yet true. Now unlike the Vice President and several idiots who claim these people are already Americans because they have been here so long to which I call BULLSHIT I think that those of them who are decent people should be given a period of three months to come forward and make contact with immigration and naturalization to began the process of becoming Naturalized American Citizens I believe that given that opportunity all the decent people will come forward to start that process, the only ones who would remain in the shadows as the Liberals like to say are the outright Criminal element and they are a whole other problem these people fled from their Countries of origin because they were 1. Wanted Criminals down there and the Police were closing in on them or 2. came here as a drug mule for one cartel or another and never left after arriving. The major problem is they commit the same terrible crimes here and when caught cannot be prosecuted because they are not American Citizens, these people used to be detained until such a time as they could be deported back to wherever they came from no more due to the current Administrations policy of do not detain or deport. Well to my thoughts since they came here as criminals and have continued to be criminals they should face the exact same justice as any other person in the State they are in, the whole process is compounded by lobbyists from the A.C.L.U which has to stick it's nose into everything the main thing is though if you say leave here and go to Singapore and commit a crime there and get caught you will face whatever penalty any other person in Singapore would don't believe me ask that idiot kid who was over their spray painting cars how his back felt after the Caning that he suffered. The real issue is there are so many millions of them here that the whole process of finding them all and deporting them all would cost hundreds of billions if not a trillion or more dollars to accomplish so that is not a viable option, compounded on top of that a lot of these people have been here for several years long enough to have children and start families which even if the parents happen to be here illegally the children who were born here are legal American Citizens, thus if you deport the parents obviously they will be taking their children with them and I do not think you can legally deport American Citizens from America. Now though I am far from being in favor of the absolute amnesty that so many others are pushing for I think that is a slap in the face of every man and woman who did go through channels and come here legally, as I said if you give these people a set time to come forward "OUT OF THE SHADOWS" and start the long process of naturalization most of the decent law abiding ones will do just that in fact for most that is the opportunity that they want in the first place. They would than just as the legal immigrants have had to do and are still doing have to learn the history of this great Nation and would also have to learn the language which would make communication so much easier than it currently is. If you have any thoughts or suggestions please leave them unlike the career politicians who are currently ruining our Country I do have an open mind and do not give two craps about party lines.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Some more thoughts U.S. Senate blog number 2
I have been meaning to do this for the last several days but really have not that much time working two jobs to get by sucks, it does however make you appreciate those things that you can provide for your family all the more. I also have come to understand what Peter Gabriel meant in the song In Your Eye's when he said I get so tired of working so hard for our survival I know the feeling well, but enough rambling now down too the business at hand. I have not had any questions left in the comments section though plenty of people have read it reposted it agreed with it and even re tweeted it for me and I thank you all for your efforts and your help. I should first maybe give you a little background on things so you may get things in proper perspective, first off as I had stated in my last post and I was not kidding I am in fact running as a write in Candidate for the United States Senate in Nebraska. I had said that I am running as an Independent Constitutionalist that is the first thing I will go into here, the Independent is self explanatory as when I registered to vote originally back in High School I registered as an Independent. the Constitutionalist is a little more complex however as I said I began researching into the requirements that State and Federal Government impose on people to get their name on the ballot and quite frankly the whole thing is insane. I decided to run as a write in Candidate and to go on the basic tenets set forth in the Constitution for a reason by the guidelines in the Constitution as set up by our forefathers there are three basic requirements that need to be met to run for either the Senate or the House of Representatives. 1) The Candidate must be at least 30 years of age at 52 I think I have achieved that requirement and than some. 2) the candidate must have been a citizen of The United states for at least 9 years again at 52 I think that I have met that requirement 3) the Candidate must be a resident of the State they are running in again born in Nebraska and lived here for most of my life I think I meet this requirement as well.
A part of what finally galvanized me into this action was seeing the ridiculous tax rate that our so called esteemed Government is putting onto the shoulders of working Americans in the budget they want to pass, now I know they are trying to find ways to fund the Not So Affordable Care Act but damn. people always smash on the tea party and they do so from both sides of the political aisle, the thing is though they forget that the tea party was originally a small movement and stands for "Taxed Enough Already" and they are correct in that the working Americans are taxed enough already and now the Fed is looking to increase that tax by nearly 3% a year over the next decade STOP ALREADY when is enough going to be enough? You see I am always getting stupid crap in my P.O. Box from Candidates on both sides wanting us to attend there dinner fund raisers for 3 to 5 hundred dollars a plate and got to thinking these rich little elite jerks do not need the money they simply do not want to spend their money they would rather spend someone else's money to annoy you for hours on end, especially when their rhetoric and the principles they supposedly stand by change daily in accordance with the groups they happen to be addressing. Now I am not a rocket scientist myself but I also am very sure it does not take one to recognize just how phony and bought and paid for these bastards really are which is in and of itself very sad, when they get elected to the House or the Senate they are supposed to be there representing the people of there States yet for the most part all they truly represent is the interests of the businesses whose lobbyists happened to make the largest campaign contributions everyone knows this and yet continue to send these men and women back for another term are you all just trying to keep them out of your States so you send them to Washington D.C. so they can ass ram everyone nation wide? I have decided that unlike the rest of the greedy jackasses in the political landscape of this Country I will do everything to the polar opposite of them, I am not asking for looking for or accepting any campaign contributions that is not what I am about I would prefer people keep their money and use it for constructive things such as paying your bills or putting clothes on your children and food on your tables, you will not see me as I work my way slowly across the State of Nebraska when time and finances allow wearing some stuffy ass 1500 dollar suit from Brooks Brothers I would prefer to use that money to pay my bills no you will see me wearing blue jeans or perhaps cargo pants and usually a tee shirt that is who I am. I will as time permits be purchasing business cards with all the pertinent information on them to hand out as I make my way from town to town and people will see me stopping in places that the more affluent Candidates would never consider as a place to stop and chat with people most of them want the people to come to them whereas I will come to the people, in short I will be running a true GRASS ROOTS CAMPAIGN no B.S. no changing idealisms to suit the audience I am speaking to what you see is what you get a working pissed off American who will be in touch with the people because I am one of the people. Some may find it odd that I would come to this decision but I actually hope I inspire others across our Great Country to take action as I am and Rise up against The Government Machine that is destroying our Nation, stand tall my American Brothers and Sisters the only way to stop the madness is to get working class real people into these high offices and show them all that YOU CAN CHANGE WASHINGTON D.C. from the inside if you have the desire and tenacity to do so until the next post any questions or comments please leave them I will address them directly. Have a great day and a better tomorrow and remember that Chance Favors the Prepared Mind.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
The time has come for action.
Yes I am saying that the time actually is way past due for action to be taken, all the recent events in this Country and Globally prove my point for me. We have a congress comprised largely of Doctors and Lawyers and others in this elite rich mans club, we have a President who was before politics a failed lawyer and Constitutional law professor who instead chose to be a community organiser. Now I ask you where exactly has that gotten us as a Country? What exactly have they accomplished in this decade that shows any real worth? What they have accomplished is running our Country The United States of America into the ground, what they have accomplished is making this Country weaker on the World Stage than it has been at anytime since before World War II. The time has come to enact real change and the only way to accomplish this is for we the every day working class blue collar men and women to stand up and proclaim as one that we have seen and heard enough of their bullshit, therefore I have decided to run for the United States Senate as an INDEPENDENT WRITE IN CANDIDATE I am running as an "Independent Constitutionalist" by this I mean that I am running on the grounds as set forth by our fore fathers in The Constitution of The United States of America. I got to researching and investigating all the requirements as set forth by the Governments at the Federal and State level and discovered exactly why more everyday people do not run for these public offices the elite's that inhabit them make sure that we will not do so. Between the outlandish fees they wish to charge people to get their name on the ballot, alone repel most from the idea but like all other things there are loop holes and ways around these tenet's they have thrown up as obstacles. I am hoping that my actions here in Nebraska will galvanize and motivate people like myself in other States to take the same action run as an Independent Constitutionalist buck the system and fight back against those who would oppress our efforts, run as a write in candidate in your States perhaps if enough people in enough of the 50 States follow suit we can be the beginnings of a new political movement in this Country. Barack Obama in 2012 proclaimed that you cannot change Washington D.C. from the inside yet in reality that is the only place you can enact change from, what is lacking is the desire of those in power to enact change they do not want to change the status quo and they do not want to be seeking employment outside of politics as they have ensured that employment outside of their cushy little offices is very hard to come by and would never support the lucrative and extravagant lifestyles they lead. This is a wake up call to the working class blue collar men and women of this Country rise up and stand for something complaining on social media will accomplish nothing, I am asking all my family and friends here in Nebraska to help me get this message out get others to read these words pass this link along. Until we the people rise together and take action to return Government to the people it will not be for the people and by the people as our Fore Fathers intended it will remain being for the wealthy elite and by the lobbyists for big corporate entities who act from behind a thin veil. I leave you with these words today as a call for action by all men and women across the United States I will make new posts daily from now until election day in November if you have questions leave them in the comments section and I will answer them all, remember that ACHIEVEMENT IS THE REWARD OF PERSERVERANCE have a great day and a better tomorrow Chance Favors the Prepared Mind.
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