Sunday, October 30, 2011
Who are they trying to fool anyway?
Watched the news earlier now as I write this I am watching meet the press, they are all centering on Rick Perry and Mit Romney while Cain has taken a lead in the latest polls. Imagine that the C.E.O. of a pizza company is the leading republican candidate at present, meanwhile President Obamas cheif advisor says that the President identifies with the occupy movement that is spreading border to border and coast to coast, while at the same time police forces from border to border and coast to coast attack these protestors relentlessly. What happened to the constitutional right to protest did that suddenly go by the wayside, or has that been replaced with a new amendment that says you can protest as long as it does'nt go against current government policies? Than you have these idiots saying why cant we have a president who is more like Steve Jobs, have any of these people really looked at the mans point of view? Was he a genious? Possibly thats somewhat debateable, point of view kind of thing however what he was was an arrogant self centered jackass and he himself admitted that. So yes by all means lets get a president like Steve Jobs as if the world isnt screwed up enough already. I am sure some who read this will make less than pleasant comments as is their god given right or at least constitutional right for now, that seems to alter daily anymore. I dont know maybe the police will come break down my door and mace me for stating my opinion, thats what they are doing to those in the occupy movement so why not do it to everyone else as well? My cousin up in Oregon seems to be spending some time with the occupy Portland group hope they dont develope the same problems there, Everyone seems to be centered on the size of the government lately and the huge amount of government spending. One side saying we need to cut back on government spending while the other side says we need to increase government spending to put money back into our sagging Economy, as usual the solution is veiled somewhere in the middle what is needed is to take the power of government out of the pockets of large corporations and return it to the people where it is supposed to be. There was a time when Government for the people by the people actually did exist, there was a time when the votes of the American People actually did matter. Unfortunately those times are collecting dust in the distant past, any more it is government by the largest and richest corporations who control whatever puppet they buy the offices for. Do our votes really matter anymore hell no the Electoral college made sure that the popular vote is a joke, the American people no longer elect the President that is done by a small "Elite Group of Guys" think I am wrong try this in 2012 If everyone in America wrote in their own name on the presidential ballot yes there is a place to do that. That would show you that the peoples vote does'nt matter because the electoral college would still put whoever their current favorite happens to be in office, and we would be forced once again to live four years under the thumb of some other jackass. Sad part of it all is that at present every last person making headlines in the current presidential sweepstakes is a dumbass, so by all means America vote for yourself and see what happens I can guarentee that you wont like the results.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Is the ground shaking and rumbling near you
I was just on my youtube channel watching several videos about the ground shaking and strange rumbling sounds coming from underground one of them from Kentucy, how very entertaining his post was and the sveral comments that were posted there as well. When you live in that region that sits right on the New Madrid Seimic Zone you are likely to feel the ground shaking and hear strange rumblings from underground, they are usualy precursors to a much larger event to occur in the near future so my advice to those people is to pack up those things you value most and get out of the area. As I have stated on previous occassions the NMSZ has been extremely active in the last year producing several hundred quakes of varying magnitudes, that is a part of the reason I moved my family away from the area dont want to be there when the big one hits and believe me it's not a matter of will it come but when it will come. Unlike California where the ground is soft and absorbs much of the shock, the ground in the mid west is a solid rock base and earthquakes in the 5.8 or above radius can be felt hundreds of miles away in places like Philedelphia and Charelston even rang church bells in Boston. Not to mention the huge sandblows produced by quakes in the NMSZ the ground there will produce secondary waves of such force that cities like Memphis and Lexington and even Chicago will suffer great damage the list of cities would be a terrible thing the list of casualties even worse, St Louis, Kansas City, Omaha,Council Bluffs the list goes on. there is a shit storm heading for that region within the next few years so people need to be prepared and take the proper steps, if you want to know these steps log on to the site for the United States Geological Survey and print off the emergency preparedness manual there it could save the lives of yourself and your family some day soon. Until than have a great day and a better tomorrow, "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind."
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