Saturday, September 17, 2011

What is the world coming to anyway?

I am not so sure that the people on Earth are really aware of the ongoing problems that exist, natural disasters of every sort are occuring at an increasingly regular basis and happening in seemingly unheard of places. Here in the United States for instance tornadoes in Massachusettes and Earth Quakes in Ohio how often do these incidents occur there? Earth Quakes are increasing on a trend that is truly alarming numbering into the thousands daily world wide dont believev me as I said check out the U.S.G.S. In the midst of all this crap going on I see everyone still wants to blame one political party or another I am not sure how politics is involved in natural disasters as a matter of fact I am sure it has nothing to do with it. Then you have all the N.W.O. and Illuminatti conspiracy theorists blaming them for all these events. Really? a bunch of rich ass power brokers are making earthquakes happen and volcanoes become active really? Come on people it is time to wake up and smell what you are shoveling even though the wheelbarrow is full. The only way to stop this ongoing and increasing problem is to stop all the bullshit sqaubbling and strife in the world today and all peoples from all countries start working together to find a solution, is that likely to happen? fuck no because everyone still wants to either play the blame game or deny that the problem exists. I have two children ages 14 and 12 I would like to see them grow to adulthood and have familys of their own my only concerne is what kind of world are we leaving them and the generation to follow them? a fucked up dying one at the moment and if the problem continues to grow it may become to late to stop it if it hasnt reached that point already. So come together people of the world and find a way to fix the many bad things we as a race have done to our planet lest the planet become to unstable and fix us.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

High the memory remains.

I know this sounds kind of stupid or maybe cheesey dont know which but can you remember what you were doing when the first plane hit the world trade center towers? The absolute weird part is I know exactly what I was doing that morning I can remember it vividly, you see for me that should've been a happy day got up went to work was looking forward to signing the closing papers on the house that Karie and I had purchased after work that day.Right as I walked in the back door I heard the guys on the radio talking about breaking news of a plane crashing into the World Trade Center so I turned off the radio and turned on the television just in time to watch the second plane hit its mark. The famous speech by Franklin Roosevelt came immediately to mind for the last generation December 7 1941 was a day that will live in infamy, for this generation that day is September 11th 2001 when the world turned upside down for the people of America. However their are no real similarities to those two horrible days other than they occured on American Soil, the Japanese choose attacking the Naval Base at Pearl Harbor Hawaii as a way to bring America into the second world war, an act of war aimed at a military target here also 2000 plus Americans lost their lives but their the similarities end. The world Trade Center was not a military target and the people that died their were not professional soldiers who are paid to put their lives on the line for their country, no these were evryday people that did as they did every day they got out of bed and went to work. I stared transfixed at the television for a while as the anger grew within me because even than I had a pretty good idea as to who was responsible he and his goons had tried once before in 1993 if you will remember at that time nothing was done in retaliation and it shouldve been. Well this time the Assholes succeded in their plan but retaliation did come swiftly and with a purpose to let the rest of those Jack Wagons know that if you come sniffing around here we will piss on your grave after we put you in it. Today everyone in the United States needs to spend some time in silent reflection remebering that day and the horror and chaos that ensued remember all the people that died for no real reason because they chose to go to work that day. I sat back earlier and listened to a song by YES HIGH THE MEMORY as this song always makes me relax and reflect on events gone by so sit back relax and click the link and reflect on the days gone by and pay a silent tribute to all the dead of the past.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Some people might think........

You know I talk alot about earthquakes floods tornadoes and the vast increase in numbers in the last year and a half and the magnitudes growing larger, all of these are signs that the earth is changing rapidly if you want to look for yourself visit the United States Geological Surveys web site. As for tornadoes and hurricanes it's in the news that the numbers have increased yearly as has the intensities, hell for that matter on 9/9/11 there was a mag 6.4 quake off the coast of vancouver island that was felt in Seattle Washington though no significant damage was done. Hurricanes going all the way up the east coast of the United States into Maine when was the last time that happened like 100 years or more ago, followed by a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico that had residents of Mississippi and Louisiana having flashbacks and scurrying for cover.
How many people know that in centuries past the North Pole was Tropical? How many people have noticed that the polar ice cap is shrinking a little more every year? How many have noticed that ever larger chunks of glacial ice aka ice bergs are becoming prominent and reaching farther into more temperate waters? How many of you are aware that the perma frost of alaska is melting away and releasing large quantities of methane into the atmosphere? Think maybe the Earth itself is sending us a message that we are in for some drastic changes in the near future, now I am not talking end of the world shit or anything like that or some giant solar storm that will bake the earths surface I am talking about another ICE AGE the last one receded about 12 thousand years ago and the earth is slowly but surely shifting on it;s axis as it has in past centuries. I hear people talking about "The Illuminatti"all the time what good is a supposed shadow government or NEW WORLD ORDER going to be when they are presiding over a vast giant block of ice thats a laughable concept of this new world order crap they must have watched wcw wrestling at one time. now my suggestion for what its worth is move farther South as I and my family have away from the areas to be most affected and slowly start to stockpile canned goods and dried goods and maybe get a couple of portable generators and a supply of fuel for them, cause sooner or later a winter will set in that does'nt go away in a few months in the words of Jim Carray in the mask I believe that the Earth is telling us that its TIME FOR AN OVERHAUL.
Have a great day and a better tomorrow "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind."

Friday, September 9, 2011

Do they actually have a working Plan?

Ah the rediculous speech that President Obama made last night was great in entertainment value, but came up short on feasible solutions to the growing political chaos in this country. I didnt vote for him last time because he was an inexperienced junior senator and a political novice, I wont vote for him this time because like all career politicians he's a lying ass sack of monkey dung. The last strong and effective President we had in this country was Ronald Reagan back than all those little third world whigs were afraid to fuck with the United States because they knew the results of their actions would be extreme and immediate, I dont think their is any current world leaders who are even slightly afraid of Barrack Obama and thats just the start of the problem. His new jobs bill is focused on preserving the jobs that already exist and spending money to fix up schools and Americas Infrastructure that part is fine only problem is these tasks will go to the unions to get accomplished and they will use their already existing workforce to accomplish this, hmm no new jobs there yet cut social security even farther back than you already have so that all the money that people like us have paid in wont even be available by the time we reach retirement age incredible plan. If the President really wants to accomplish something he needs to study what Franklin Roosevelt accomplished during his tenure, he created jobs out of nothing to put Americans back to work during a very bleak time in our history and bought the stagnant economy back to life again. Couple this with his plan to withdraw our troops from Iraq which was a Bush vendetta that never should've happened and had nothing to do with the war on terror and now that Bin hiding is dead instead of hiding we should be out of Afghanistan as well, that plan seems to have gone by the wayside as he sends more American Soldiers over their every day let the towel benders solve their own problems and pull our people the fuck out of that mess. Our government just seems to want to throw money out their to the already wealthy why we the people take it up the ass at their expense, not even the benefit of a lubricant or the courtesy of a reach around. If our lame ass leaders cant solve the problems in this country then we need to find someone who can and elect them, extend unemployment benefits again? Why so those lazy non working cocksuckers can sit around on their fat asses and get paid at the expense of those of us who have jobs and go to work? Bunch of bullshit is what that is stop giving them money for nothing and maybe they will go find a job, start reducing the 9.2% unemployment rate in this country any job even as a whopper flopper is better than no job at all. Worst off the republican front runners for the coming election are just as lame and ignorant as president Obama, for the coming election I think every American of voting age should vote for themselves and throw Washington into complete turmoil no elected president what do we do now everyone voted for themselves. Or maybe at the coming tax time everyone should file exempt and not pay taxes next year that would grease their gears couldnt spend everyone elses money as they have been for years, am I ranting yes do I give a shit no not really I for one am tired of the mess that our elected leaders have made of our country, what was that drivel they were spouting in the last election thats not change its more of the same? Well more of the same is what we got for our troubles this time out if there was any change it was for the worse that much is certain, if the assholes in Washington cant solve the current problems in this country than they need to shut the fuck up and stop lying to everyone and making false solutions to real problems.
Have a great day and a better tomorrow "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind"